First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
And less then 12 hours back, it was still 2007, and i was lying on my bed reflecting a little about the past year. Man, it made a roller coaster look like what it is to the merry-go-round. Okay, maybe that was a bit exaggerated... But a roller coaster probably last at most 5mins?? I'm sure 1 year of life is more then that... XD
Lets start from the beginning of the year... NYJC. Was so happy that i got in. Then i thought that J going to the school was extra bonus. In the end, i always ended up too tongue tied to talk whenever i see her. And hearing bout her, also made me to lose concentration on what i'm doing and make dumb decisions. That's one of the reason i left there i guess, couldn't really study there if i was in that kind of condition.
Next up, NP. Wanted to go psychology and community services. Thought i would have ended up there, but ended up in electronics and computer engineering instead. It felt like choosing of secondary school all over again in that i couldn't get into my first choice. But there was a difference, i ended up in my 2nd choice secondary school then but now i ended up in my third choice course. But i wasn't as disappointed as i was then, maybe cause i felt fine with it. Wonder if i was given a choice to go into psychology and community services now, will i accept it? Ah, just do my best now and see how when the time comes. (:
In NP i learned some things besides the skills i was supposed to be learning. I think i learned to be a little more open. And that i need to be more decisive. And i can't always rely on someone else. Another thing was communicating with foreign students. Not really easy with the language barrier. But being one of the supposedly more outspoken of the class, i tend to be laughed at sometimes. Quite a change from what i was in secondary school i guess. All because of Chin Sian lah... XD
Ah... Nothing is constant in life. Just when things look fine, one wrong move can land you on your face. Maybe i was wrong. But my friends just told me that the internet is not private property and that if you put something on the web, you are opening it to the world. But what caused me to search for her blog in the first place?? Curiosity killed the cat. But i believe it empowered man. But other times? It just makes man frustrated cause things doesn't always work out in the end. The awkwardness. Thinking bout it does wonders at affecting my mood now, in the negative way. Am i fine with how things are? No. And i guess it's still my fault.
Ah... Moving on, the last few months of the year. While everyone not in poly is having holidays, i'm studying for my common test... And when finally holidays, still got homework... And ended up playing away most of it. Looks like first week of is going to be spent rushing work. Time to find the energy to chiong... XD
I guess 2007 was a year full of ups and downs. To me seems like there are more downs then ups. But in the end, it's more important to count my blessings. Life goes on to. And God is always there for me. I guess the last point is good enough for me to go on. (:
Now for my new year resolutions. Get closer to God. Live life to the fullest. Think before talking. Try not to get into trouble. Dare to stand up and do what's right. Be more matured. Trust in God to guide me in my life. That's all i can think of at the moment. Wait, got one more: Try to smile more often. (:
That's all for now. Haven't typed such a long post for such a long time. Got to prepare for school tomorrow too. Enjoy your new year and see yah next time!!
I believe in hope. There is always hope, and all we have to do is find it.