Sunday, December 31, 2006

Time For A Post...

Hey people!! Ok... Not that i haven't been updating my blog but my computer just broke down right after i came home... Then teh TV broke down too... Then today i discovered my EZ-Link card also died on me when i was trying to board the train to go to church... Everything justs break down when i come back from Thailand... Oh well, i didn't miss any of those items when i was in Thailand anyway so... You get the drift...

My computer had just received a totally new inside so it will work so technically it looks the same but sounds and is totally different from the older one... The older one sounded like a motorboat engine when it ran... Oh well, at least it is runnign decently now right??

Man, now i need to reinstall all my programmes from scrath... Oh yah, my mom just gave me an offer i could not resist: A laptop. So now my uncle is looking out for a set for me. Why my uncle?? He had the most experience with thsi stuff as he used to work in Compaq and he said he had some contacts where he can get laptops from... XD

Man... I just cleaned up so many files from my hard disk... There was once i deleted liek 92 fiels at one go... And all were secondary school work, soem all the way from sec 1... Man, i really need to learn to clear stuff when the time comes... But at least this tiem i cleared it in time for new year... with an hour to spare... phew... XD

AAHHH!!! The new TV is so flat compared to the older set!! The older set is like 5 tiems the thickness of the older set!! Ok... Random right?? Oh well... let me see if i got a photo to end it off with... Tiem to go search the CD of photos a friend gave me today...

Erm.. Not really a good pic to end things of with so more are coming... Let's see who shall i suan today... XD

Us With some Thai friends with the HUMONGUS rice fields behind us... This should be a good photo to round things off for the while. I will update some more photos next time. See yah around!!

I need a punch line, NOW!!

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