Woah... Suddenly this week is all over... Time flew i guess, maybe a little too fast too wit hall my homework building up... Looks like i have to start being more serious now with exams around the corner... Had a presentation on Monday, where i forced myself to comb my hair... Then had a German test and skit on Wednesday... And rounding it all up was the church anniversary celebration today with a lunch.
Ok... Let's start from the beginning... The presentation ended up quite ok i guess, cause i group rehearsed a few times before the the real thing. The only problem i probably had was talking too fast... But i was talking slower then i was talking during the rehearsal anyway so i guess i improved a little... XD
Next up, German test and skit on the same day. Both are graded by the way. My group met before class for the skit. The script was last minute bu at least it wasn't as last minute as the other groups who did it on the spot... =X The German written test was much more simpler then what we thought. The whole bunch of us were ready to cheat but we didn't in the end... XD
Fast forward to today's anniversary lunch. My family was there early as my Dad was helping out in the technical side, as he always does. We actually waited for more then a hour before everything started. Oh well, it over anyway, and time actually flew then anyway... Before lunch came, a bunch of us were cleaning our utensils with tissue as the they looked dirty like they have been just taken out of a store room... Probably cause they never catered to so many people before. It was only a 2 stars restaurant anyway, so i guess too much cannot be expected. The food was only so-so. Nothing really stands out much. Where is this restaurant? Turf city level 2. Ah Huat or something i think, can't really remember the name now... XD
Hmm... i guess that's all the main stuff that happened this week. Then there are otehr stuff for me to ponder upon i guess. There was once i wished i could dream and remember every detail about them, but that never happened. Until now that is, when all i want is a good night sleep and not think too much when i sleep. Got to exhaust my mind more so my brain will also go and rest... or at least don't remember them. Or does this things and an extra meaning? I can't really remember them any much now so i guess that doesn't matter.
I guess that's all for the moment. See yah people next time!!
To see your smile from the shadows is more then enough for me.
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