Thursday, July 02, 2009

I ougth to start living up to my name...

Met the guy who helped gave me my Chinese name recently. Forgot to ask him why he gave me my name. Asked my parents what it meant anyway. Zhi was part of family tradition. The En came from the pastor. Supposed to mean grace. I ought to live up to the meaning... Hmm... What's the meaning? Er... Here is the definition from

1. elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
2. a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.
3. favor or good will.
4. a manifestation of favor, esp. by a superior: It was only through the dean's grace that I wasn't expelled from school.
5. mercy; clemency; pardon: an act of grace.
6. favor shown in granting a delay or temporary immunity.
7. an allowance of time after a debt or bill has become payable granted to the debtor before suit can be brought against him or her or a penalty applied: The life insurance premium is due today, but we have 31 days' grace before the policy lapses. Compare grace period.
8. Theology.
a. the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
b. the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
c. a virtue or excellence of divine origin: the Christian graces.
d. Also called state of grace. the condition of being in God's favor or one of the elect.
9. moral strength: the grace to perform a duty.
10. a short prayer before or after a meal, in which a blessing is asked and thanks are given.
11. (usually initial capital letter) a formal title used in addressing or mentioning a duke, duchess, or archbishop, and formerly also a sovereign (usually prec. by your, his, etc.).
12. Graces, Classical Mythology. the goddesses of beauty, daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, worshiped in Greece as the Charities and in Rome as the Gratiae.
13. Music. grace note.

–verb (used with object)

14. to lend or add grace to; adorn: Many fine paintings graced the rooms of the house.
15. to favor or honor: to grace an occasion with one's presence.


16. fall from grace,
a. Theology. to relapse into sin or disfavor.
b. to lose favor; be discredited: He fell from grace when the boss found out he had lied.
17. have the grace to, to be so kind as to: Would you have the grace to help, please?
18. in someone's good (or bad) graces, regarded with favor (or disfavor) by someone: It is a wonder that I have managed to stay in her good graces this long.
19. with bad grace, reluctantly; grudgingly: He apologized, but did so with bad grace. Also, with a bad grace.
20. with good grace, willingly; ungrudgingly: She took on the extra work with good grace.

Er... Looks like a lot of things to attempt to be... @.@

Someone told me today that one of my previous post about nice guys is true, cause most of the time nice guys just can't stop being nice, even when they are treated like crap sometimes. =x

Today kind of lost. Have been feeling a little lost the past few days. Can't seem to get myself to program anything... Today didn't help make it any better anyway... Wonder if things became worst...

I got a feeling i talked a little too much yesterday... Forgot about what my journal is for again... Someone wack some sense into me... Not literally... =x

Ah... Just tired from a long day. Going off first bah... See yah...

"Sometimes you can't make it on your own..." - U2

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