Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Pissed over something no one knows about

I'm feeling pissed and feel like punching someone(Not just anyone but someone in particular) at the moment. Have been feeling pissed for a while. Hopefully the pool table and balls can survive my rage tomorrow. Don't want to end up paying more than i intended.

I guess people have the right to do what they want. But when actions disregard the feelings of others, it's overboard. But i guess that person is probably too blind to notice the feelings of others at the moment. Because i'm patience i shall not do anything yet. And that's a big YET. The day i cannot take it is the day you know what i have been feeling about your actions and how selfish i think they have been.

I'm probably a strategist by nature, even though i have yet to able to apply any successfully to some of my games. But the point is that i see strategies that people apply in life, like what he's doing to do this, what's she's doing to get that, etc... I'm currently seeing loopholes in someone's strategy. Don't know if i should tell that person since i'm kind of pissed off with that person. Or should i just let that person bang into the wall to learn, the same way i banged into the wall? I see further ahead now, and think further ahead too, even though not far enough yet, about what would happen, wouldn't happen. And that's what i see happening. Remember, the wall don't feel the pain, you do.

My main strategy for life now? Just do much and don't expect much in return. I'm happy helping others already, the returns are just extra stuff. Kind of keeps in happy most of the time. Its something to with what is expected i think, getting what is expected makes you happy, so i don't expect any return at all, happiness in the act itself. Yeah.

And talking about naming conventions, what kind of names do you expect someone who calls his his 2 bears(above) Snow and Bottle? There's nothing wrong with callign the Alpha Centre mascots Lion, Dolphine and Pooh/Rabbit/Pooh-in-rabbit-costume? Just saying don't expect too crazy names from soemone who gives 1 syllabus names to his own soft toys. And especially from a guy that actually names his soft toys... Wonder why i even typed this portion... Ok, maybe it's because it's easier to explain it here than a tagboard...

Feelign slightly less pissed already. Must be all the soft toy chatter... Hey, not a bad idea for a new type of theropy, the soft toy theropy! Okay, i will just shut up...

Hmm... Thinking about if i should go Uncle WeeLiang's / Aunt Ellen's place this Friday. If i go, i will probably be tempted to play basketball, and if i want to play means i have to rest my legs the next few days... Which means no crazy stunts for the next few days... How am i to avoid doing stupid things?? Expecially since i'm stupid sometimes? Like today where i probably ate a little too much too fast during lunch and ended up with a slight stomach ache? Ok... Will probably decide by tomorrow i guess... Ahh... Decisions and more decisions...

More mindlesss chatter in my brain again... Kind of disturbing... At least they don't prevent me from sleeping anymore... Or at least they used keep from sleeping peacefully...

The thin line between crush and obessions is easily passed. Not many people realize this i guess. Very easy to be blinded by this kind of feelings, be it the first, 2nd, 3rd or the 209th time. Always have something or someone to keep you grounded, or you may end up doing damage, some irreversible, be it to things or people. A sign of obession? Extreme feelings. Extremely delighted or extremely depressed over some reason related to that person. It blinds all sense of reasoning, expecially common sense.

Ah... Long time no post such a long post... Still the usual ramblings of a partially insane person. Not everything i want to say will be posted up anyway. The best parts are usually saved for those who actually bother about what i feel anyway. See yah next time.

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