Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Woah... Looks like for the whole week, i'm only going to have dinner at home during weekends. Crazy schedule... And looks like i'm going to have to get used to averaging about 5 hours or less worth of sleep during school days too. Wonder how i'm actually surviving it... And i better make this post quick so i can do my homework... =x

I'm going to try typing this paragraph with the extras dots to end the sentences. It will probably seem less depressing. Hmm, i still have to do jacket design, redo PC board again, meet up with people and some other stuffs i can't rmb. Let's see how many of it can i complete by tomorrow.

Ok, so there you go. So does the above paragraph look less depressing? I just happen to like using extra dots at the moment. I'm probably depressed, but i'm not letting it stop me from living life ot the fullest. (:

Last semester was for me to be still and know His power. I wonder what's for this semester... Same as last sem, or something else for me to learn?

It seems the concept of a strong foundation can be applied to almost everything. Without a strong foundation, it will never survive the storm. Just anotehr random thought that came to my head. :/

Oh well, that's about it for now. Better get started with homework already. See yah!

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