Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Life has been an roller coaster ride for me so far... it has it up n downs all the times... seems to be more downs so fay thought... my roller coaster must be built on a slope... lets hope it goes up one day...

I never found out who the mysterious messanger to me was, even thought we had an interesting text conversation yerterday... the person just refused to tell me who he/she is, even thought i suspect it is a she... anyway, all the suspects have been questions n neither admitted to it... even the main suspect... wonder if this is a plot to shake me up like my father says... oh well, the person don't seem to be talking to me again... but it was interesting advice he/she gave... grap the chance when u have the chance... but i find there no problem with people more capable taking it up instead of me... conflicting mindsets... caused me a minor burnt with the iron n probably 1 to 2 sleepless nights... but is is over? Not until i think throughly bout the advice...

My knee feels like crap today... want to run around n play basketball, but with this... what m i to do? finding another way to destress is not easy man... hope i get some slack cut this up coming months...

I just feel conflicted and lost at the moment... hope up coming is an answer to my questions or just a minor distraction to keep me focused... school work is piling up by the minute even thought it is the school holidays(or it seems to be without me touching it...) . I m just abit lost n just hope God will send someone to tell me what is teh right thing to do...

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