Sunday, November 05, 2006

Feel Like Falling Sick...

Looks like tomorrow is the beginning of the end. The beginning of the 'O' Levels and the end of the secondary school. ARGH!!! I am getting stressed just thinking about it...

Today, i had a nose bleed. It just came while i was sneezing... I must have sneezed too hard... Nothing else much happened recently, with the 'O' Levels around the corner. But recently i discovered somethign ironic: I seem to be better at playing games during this period. Hey, i was just playing to de-stress, so don't come for my neck. It has been so boring staring at books and notes all day anyway...

Hey, if you need some thing to watch during the exams to destress, go you-tube and search for akihabara@deep. It is about otakus, or fans of animes, and their story. Sounds strange?? Wait till you see it, the lame-ness is alot higher than that of mine, WeiJin and all of us in class combined together. But word of warning thought, each episode last close to an hour so you should watch a 1 part out of 5 for each episode a day, as you-tube has only been uploaded to the third episode. the series has reached the 8th subbed episode by the way. Or a beter choice is to watch it after the exams. And a even better choice is to not watch it at all, agree? People like us will only get addicted to this kind of things...

Man, i am tired... maybe i will rest early tonight and hope i will be refreshed for tomorow... ARGH... That shouild be enough for today... See yah around and all the best for the exams!!

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