All i asked for was that my mom just stop moving and listen. But no... there she goes shooting of the mouth without thinking about what are the consequences. This situation has been expected everything my bro get back any results, especially today when he got back his PSLE results. HE got a 169. And once my mom came home, all she did was just went,"See lah! Don't study some more!" And many more variations. Guess my dad got fed-up with it and bursted out. He waned to walk out of the house but my mom stopped him. My bro was also breaking down over the pressure.
That was when i stepped in. My mom was like saying that it is all her fault and my dad has no reason to walk out. My mom said she didn't wanted my dad angry as he had a heart condition. I tried to get them to sit down, but only my dad did. I tried to get them to talk it out, but no... my om wasn't actually listening or getting what i was trying to say. In the end, I just gave up. She asn't listening, why waste anymore of my breath explaining that all she did was just bring up the past and kept putting my bro down. Ah well, can't say i didn't try. In the end, i got the image totally different from what she said to my dad. She kept defending herself, thus showing that she believes she is right.
I guess i plan to ignore her for the time being, like how she tends to ignore how any of us in the family feels. She should have seen this coming. the last time this happened, she said she was going to change and control her temper better, but no... now she says she can't change. What am i being taken for here?? Someone to help you defuse conflicts wich you started? Next time i am going to stand down until it reaches the limit. Let's see how she is going to settle it properly without me.
Man... Today i almost got un-necessary attention too. Some how, Adrain convinced the head of blogskins to make me featured contributor when i did nothign at all to deserve it. Thank goodness i managed to get him to change it. Or else the future will be very bleak for me...
Argh... Enough emo-ing. going to chase my mom off my bed. She thinks i have forgiven her, but who actually forgives someone so fast for something so big?? She better face her problem soon before it ballooms...
Ah... Enough for today. See yah around!!
I was there when you didn't see me. Now you need me, too bad, cause I'm gone and will never be back.
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