Monday, May 29, 2006


Want to scream. Shout out loud. Today was chinese 'O' levels paper 1 and 2. I've got a feeling i flunk my paper 2 close passage... ARGH!!! Did that passage before and i cannot remember answer... ARGH!!! Going to play CS? Maybe just to release all the "ARGH!!!"s, i will.

Feeling down? Of course!!! Want to kill somebody but you know you can't? How you know? Want to talk to someone? Yeah... And this has to happen before my birthday... ARGH!!! No use looming over it, people say. But peopel aren't the ones feeling this feeling. Try this: i suck at chinese and had been studying like crap the pass few days and you feel i feel i messed up on the actual day. ARGH!!! Trash CS... I am going to practise Dota with AIs... That sounds better...

I have prepared a poem for my birthday. It is funy but i can't seem to laugh to it now. It will be published on my birthday. When is it? Find out yourself. I didbn't have a profile link at the side for nothing. If it is not there, too bad for you(for not being able to find out) and me (for not being able to get a present from you.).

Thats should be enough rants for today. See yah peopel around!!

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