Monday, June 26, 2006

First Day Of School Spent At Home

YEAH!! While the rest of you people were slugging it out at school, i was at the docter's queueing up for my turn, watching FF7 : Advent Children again and resting. But can't help it, i didn't feel wel this morning, and if i went to school and wanted to go home, there will be no one to come fetch me home. Why? My mom works some where far away and my dad used up too many leaves due to his medical condition.

Oh, about my my granny? She is in the hospital now. She came back that day but the next day she wanted to go to the hospital. She requested TTSH, but TTSH was already full. And her condition was not that serious and they wanted to send her back. I heard she requested to stay. So she ended up in Alexandria(or something) Hospital.

My parents explained to me why they have been treating her like that. They said when i was bored, my gran said that she will not help take care of me, even though we were living in the same house. And the same happened to my sis. For my bro, i am not sure. And my dad's sis seems to refuse to split the cost of the medical bill bothways. From my mom's point of view, she is the aunt alwasy trying to take advantage of my family. But from my memories of my childhood, she always comes with toys for me everytimes she visits my gran. But come to think of it, everytime she visited, my mom wasn't home. My mom always said that if she saw her in our house, she will chase her out with a broomstick. Fierce... Must make you think what my aunt could have done... If you want to know, based on my mom, she used to stay in my room. The door is partially damaged due to my aunt slammimg of the door. Why would she slam the door? I don't know... probably to spite my parents as the house belongs to my parents and she gets a room for herself...

Oh well... that should be enough troubles for today. So see you people around!!

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