Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Just Need To Destress A Little...

Studying for Geography now... Very drained... Don't know why... So i am going to do another quiz to destress a little... Happy Birthday to Sammi by the way...

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Go round the world
2. Have fun
3. Fulfill my purpose on Earth
4. Be more sociable
5. Sit an aeroplane (Never sat a plane before ok?)
6. Do something that affects the world drastically in a good way
7. Say something to that special someone

7 things I can do:
1. Jump
2. Walk
3. Breathe (MY LUNGS ARE OKAY!!!)
4. Kick
5. Punch
6. Move
7. Type

7 things I cannot do:
1. Walk naked in the streets
2. I cannot sit in a aeroplane at the moment...
3. Turning someone down
4. Pretend nothing is wrong when it obviously is
5. Fly (I am not superman...)
6. Last 24 hours on the computer
7. Commit suicide

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Smile
2. Laughter
3. Gentleness (lack of it also counts...)
4. Eyes
5. The way they stare
6. Understanding
7. Able to relate to

7 things that I say most often:
1. Dunno...
2. Don't know...
3. Wah lau...
4. Shit...
5. A**hole...
6. Nevermind...
7. Erm...

7 celebrity crushes:
1. No one
2. No one
3. No one
4. No one
5. No one
6. No one
7. (You if you think you are a celebrity and a girl)

7 people I want to do this:
1. Nat
2. Delia
3. Maureen
4. Sammi
5. Phoebe
6. Your name
7. your name

DONE!!! Time to continue studying... See yah around!! And happy birthday to the birthday girl!!

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