Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Long word with heavy meaning. Without this, i may not even be here today, the way i am. If not for this word too, you won't be seeing me every other day.

This word. This word is probably one of teh factors that kept me alive all these years. "I couldn't just end my life like this", i always thought, i still had to fulfill many it.

But this very word, has cause many and me pain at times. It forced me to do the right things, hurting some along the way. "With great power comes great ________" they say. Is this power worth it?? Because of it, everything gets pushed to me at times. "You are the eldest!" "You are a Councillor!" "You are..."

There are times i wish to ignore this word and just live life as a bad guy, just for once. But i have to live up to it. It is not a choice, it is what must be done. "You have not been entrusted with it for no reason you know..."

Because of this word, my conscience is always heavy. I have problem forgetting bout the past. Mistakes i make cost me hours of sleeps. Wrong moves haunt me at night. But don't ever ask me to forget about it, cause i will never forget about it.

I meant you well but you say humans can't be trusted. I just did what I felt was right. And I will prove to you that humans can be trusted.

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