After being broken to a certain extent, some things can't be broken any further. Any further and its probably means it can never be repaired. Yesterday had this interesting analogy for my understanding relationship class. A relationship can be liken to a laptop. It needs to be maintained. And when there is a problem, you can either choose to try to solve it yourself, find help from friends, or seek professional help. And if the problem cannot be resolved after all that, probably time for a new laptop. But i find there is one factor missing in this. If the laptop has a problem but one just isn't willing to even to try to solve it, nothing will still get done.
I guess i don't see much hope now. When everybody around just say go, why am i still choosing to remain? For all people reading, please don't say sorry if you don't mean it. I guess not everyone who makes mistakes are willing to make up for it. Whats th sue of saying sorry if you choose to do nothing about it and just continue? Please reflect. Enough said.
Burned my finger during PDPR lesson today. Was looking at Lucas board when my finger wondered to my soldering iron and rested there. Only after a while i realised that it was getting painful and removed my finger, but i guess it was too late and now my hand is functioning with one finger less.
Why was i being nice in the first place? Just convey a message but yet chose not to hear. I wanted to keep it going, but i guess you don't. Maybe i'm the heartless one now. But why is it that my conscience is clear? Get snubbed for doing the right thing? What happened to the values? Blinded by something? Someone? Look into your heart. Look into your heart and just say what you feel. Let no one control what you feel or think. Look into your conscience. What does it tell you to do? Only when we follow our own conscience will we not feel guilty. So are you thinking and feelign for yourself or being influenced by another?
Looks like everytime i be nice someone walks over me. Go ahead then, if your conscience allows you to. I'll recover. I just hope that you are able to reflect on what you did and am going to do.
Looks like i lost more then part of me, i guess i also misplaced a few screws in my head. During wedding reaharsal yesterday, was kind of wacky, probably due to not enough sleep. Was the same today. Ah... Maybe thats why acdcidently burned myself too.
Today was J's birthday, wished her birthday and chatted a little i guess. Used to be interested in her so long ago, but i guess now the feelings aren't there anymore. I guess i probably won't be going into a relationship any time soon, don't think i can love another properly at the moment anyway. And that will probably be that case for quite a long time.
I just hope people can put themselves into my shoes and see things from the way i see. Do you think before doing or saying something? Or do you just shoot without care of what people say? If both males and females are humans, and all humans are emotional beings, thus shouldn't it be right to assume that all people can be sensitive? Its just if we allow ourselves ot be ourselves.
Letting out steam. Some people just never choose to understand all the points of view before making a judgement. Who are we to judge people?
Ah... Enough for today... Too much frustration in this post already.
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