What's hope? Is it just not bothering about what life is about cause it doesn't make sense? Is it trying to escape from reality? Or is it about living each day to the fullest, giving your best and believing that everything will be fine? What's your take?
Are we all just wondering around aimlessly in this life? What's the meaning of life? What's our purpose? And where can we find our purpose for living? An analogy will be a cup made from clay, what's it purpose? To be used to drink something from? And from where or who does it gets it purpose from, the person using it from the person making it? A lump of clay is useless for anything except for molding, and it's purpose is decided by the potter. The potter needs a cup, and thus a cup was made. So who do you think is your maker?
Hmm... Long break tomorrow... Wondering if i should bring my laptop to do other stuff... Will decide later when i pack my bag...
Someone told me today a reason why i felt like crying last Friday that made sense to me. So why did i feel that way? Because i still care.
That's all for now, don't have much going for me today but some talks with some people who have more experience then me. Enlightening it was. Learned a few things, which hopefully i can remember. Having a short term memory at the moment... Maybe i should eat something that includes fish tomorrow... Oh well, see yah around.
I wonder if anyone noticed anything strange in my post today... =x
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