Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are You Facing Upstream or Downstream?

Today's church service was quite interesting. Will you face downstream and watch all the blessings flow away before you can get it or will you face upstream and let God bless you in abundance?

Releasing Limiting Beliefs :
  1. I choose to let go of all negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that interfere with me living a healthy, whole and abundant life in Christ.
  2. I choose to let go of fear, doubt and worry and every debilitating thought that stands in the way if me and success.
  3. I choose to release and let go of depression, sadness, anger and every toxic emotion that interferes with peace, joy and prosperity in Christ
  4. I choose to let go of fear or limiting beliefs that cause me to focus on scarcity and lack instead of abundance and wealth
  5. I confess mt faults and sins to God an He cleanses me, body, soul and spirit
  6. I choose not to hide, deny or cover up my sins allowing them to have an unconscious influence over me
  7. I place on God's altar every weight, sin or burden I am struggling with and i leave it there
  8. I choose to release all my feelings of doubt and unworthiness that would get in the way of receiving all God has for me
  9. I chose to forgive all who have wronged and disappointed me
  10. I choose to let go of my past mistakes and failures
Receiving a Prosperous Life:
  1. I choose to love, forgive and accept myself the way i am
  2. I choose to let God shape, mould and make me into the person He created me to be
  3. I choose to accept God's unconditional love for me in spite of my faults and weaknesses
  4. I choose to receive God's magnificent abundance and prosperity that comes to me easily and effortlessly in perfect and unexpected ways everyday
  5. I choose to expect and receive every good and perfect gift God has prepared in advance for me
  6. I choose to live each day in the present moment, forgetting the past and leaving the future in God's hands
  7. I choose to claim my divine inheritance now
  8. Nothing stands in the way of me and success. I am prospering everyday in everyway
  9. My cup runneth over and i share my abundance with others. Because i'm given freely, i give freely
  10. I knock down every wall of fear, doubt and unworthiness that stands in the way of God's blessings, success and prosperity in my life
  11. I choose not to allow my past to define my future. My best days are ahead
  12. With courage and determination, i courageously behead any giants that get in the way of God's promises and blessings for me
  13. Doors of opportunity to prosper open up all around me. Every person and resource i need to succeed shows up at just the right time
  14. I thank God for going before me to prepare the way and guiding me by His inner light and wisdom
  15. I choose to spread love, joy, peace and blessings where ever i go
  16. I choose to have a great, prosperous, joyful and wonderful day!
  17. I choose to live by faith
  18. I choose to live my life to the fullest
  19. I choose to follow after God with my whole heart, mind body and spirit
  20. I choose life!
Kind of rounds up the list. First list is about releasing things, while the second is about receiving things. Meaningful list, but will probably take some time for me to take in. Some things that are broken take time to heal. No matter how much i want things to be like what it was in the past, somethings just doesn't come back if its not meant to. Got a few more steps to take before i can let go. And letting go doesn't mean i've healed fully yet i guess, just only shows i'm ready to move on.

I guess i'm still thinking of the "What-if"s. Looks like i haven't really let go yet. Ah... Come on... try to think about the list you just typed out... Still wondering what went wrong sometimes. Going out to crowded places can be emotionally draining seeing so many couples everywhere. Kind of wonder sometimes how long will they last. Will it last to marriage? Or will it just end of with both being enemies? Possiblities, all the possiblities and the result that i will never know.

No use blaming anyone now. Forgive and move on. Forgive others. And another important step many forget: Forgive yourself. Is it possible ot stay friends? Yes. Not right away, as i believe we need our alone time for a while and it may be awkard at first, but it is possible. Now its up to you how things will end up.

Man... Talk about blogging until past midnight. Not really sleepy i guess, still chatting with my second mom. That should be enough for today. See yah folks.

And suddenly the dreams stop. The dreams of just spending time with her. The dreams of the future with her. The dreams of hope and love.

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