Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cheap Blows

I realised that there are 2 main types of emotional hurt i go through. 1st type are those hurts that bring about more hurt. 2nd type are those hurts that brings about healing. So ever thought about what kind of hurt you are causing? It's simple to see. If the person doesn't become any better or becomes worst, its hurt that bring more hurt. Think before thinking about hurting.

Christmas is tomorrow. Gave on on Christmas shopping. Have yet to get my pay. Probably would arrive next year at this rate... Oh well, sometimes life gets so low that nothing can bring you lower.

I wonder if some people know if really is going on before commenting. Are you even bothering to find out the whole story instead of just taking it at face value? I guess someone else got irritated by it already. Me? Let's just say that i see the first kind of hurt being applied here. And the best part? Not really being realised. You can continue. We know what kind of result it will have. Don't care? Well, just seems like the the 2nd part of the 1st hurt is being brought about. That's all i've got to say. Now, this is not directed at you if you don't think it is. If you think it is, could always ask me if you like.

And the above paragraph isn't linked to the below few paragraphs.

If you want to solve a problem, it will neve turn out worst then before in the end. Drama series are drama series, and even in drama series, things always ends up better even if it doesn't work out in the end. What matters is the intention. What are your intentions? For what cause? Remeber i said lets just stay friends? I'm not the kind who just say something just for the sake of saying. I will do only what i can say. The thing is that you were never alone. There have always been friends around. Sometimes people are dumb as in they don't do things unless you tell them. Likewise for help, sometimes people don't know you need help until you ask for it.

I don't hide what i really feel from my friends. What is there to hide? When i'm not happy i show them i'm not happy. When i'm happy, i smile. Friends should encourage you to show what you feel, not hide it inside. Don't pretend to be something you are not. Be who you are.

Remember there was once i told you that what ever choice you made, be it change course to chase a dream or be it stay in teh same course, i'll support as a friend? Never backed out of it. So the same is said of whatever choice you make further down, i'll advice as a friend. And after you have made your choice, i'll support. That's the most i can promise you or anyone at the moment.

Change is inevitable. People change everyday, all the time. The only question is still is the change for the better or the worst. We can't deny that nothing changed, but what has it changed to? What has it changed to?

Will we one day look back and not have regrets? Or will we be regretful over what we could have done but didn't?

Man... Twisted my ankle yesterday while playing basketball... Went to Chinatown to see the sensei today, not as painful as i thought it would be. All he did was some pulling here and there, and after a snap, it felt so much better. Took a photo of my bandaged leg, but somehow the photo got lost somewhere... Looks like will be relying on my ankel brace for a while...

I wonder if i'm reading too much into things again...

Looks like Dissidia on PSP still can't keep my mind out of trouble. I still have to take time off to think about stuff. Too much gaming turn brains to mush anyway. =x

About 3 hours more before Chirstmas. I wonder if those people who celebrate Christmas know the real meaning of it, where the idea of giving gifts come from. Christmas isn't just about giving, it's about the greatest gift ever given to the world. He came to give peace, hope and love. He's the reason i can still go on when i see no reason for me to go on. The light at the end of the tunnel. What's yours?

I thought that Christmas this year would be different. Its different from last year alright, but not the different i expected. Likewise the same could be said of Valentines next year, but let's leave it till then shall we?

I wonder what's life going to throw at me next. Need to prepare better armor before then. Hmm... What should i use? Bulletproof? Or just reuse the old one already full of holes? Hmm... Chocies...

I guess that's about all for now people. Have a Merry Christmas Ahead!

All i saw are people running away. I was left alone. But i never was alone, you were always there.

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