Just watched finished Bruce Almighty on TV. Nice show, liked the ending parts better then the beginning. Found the beginning stupid, only the ending parts were touching. There is this conversation close to the end between Bruce and God after Bruce was hit by a truck on the road. How? He was kneeling on the road crying out to God that he doesn't want the job as God anymore. The girl he loves just prayed that God will help her let go of him as she doesn't want to be hurt anymore as she still loves him. And since he has God-like powers then, he could see her prayers. Here is the conversation between Bruce and God in Heaven:
Bruce: So i'm finally here?
God: Yes. You don't expect to kneel on the middle of the road and hope that nothing will happen to you.
Bruce: Being God isn't easy at all...
God: And so what do you want?
Bruce: Gracie...
God: You want her back?
Bruce: No...
God: Hmmm?
Bruce: I don't want her back. I just want her to be happy. To find a man that will love her with all his heart. A man that will see her the way i do now. A man that will take care of her regardless of what happens.
Something happened after that. Won't spoil it the story. I'm sure you can find out somehow, someway, somewhat.
Another thing i heard recently is The Serenity Prayer. Found it meaningful, so i'm sharing it. Taken from http://www.thevoiceforlove.com/serenity-prayer.html.
Serenity Prayer
God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
So what do you prioritise first in your life? Your studies? Your school stuff? Your relationships? God? What you prioritise first in your life will show what kind of person you are. Where your treasure is, your heart will be also. So what do you treasure? And is what you are treasuring worth it?
That all for now folks. Wonder if i left any thoughts for you to think about. See yah next time.
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