Monday, December 29, 2008

So What is Right?

Here is a extract from a comic. The situation is this: There is a civil war between heroes. They have been split into 2 faction, one that requires heroes to register, another which defends the rights of heroes to have their identities secret to protect those they love. Lines were drawn. Iron Man was part of the registration, while Captain America went against it. Spiderman was initially on the registration side, and unmasked himself to public. But after a while, he realised that he was on the wrong side. He then went back live on TV to announce that he is against it and decide to join Cap's side instead. Here is part of the conversation when Spiderman asks Cap how is it that he can be a traitor to his country when HE represents the country.

Cap turns away and says, "I remember the first time I really understood what it was to be an American... What it was to be a patriot."

"I was just a kid... A million years ago, it seems sometimes. Maybe twelve. I was reading Mark Twain.

And he wrote something that struck me right down to my core...something so powerful, so true, that it changed my life. I memorized it so I could repeat it to myself, over and over across the years. He wrote --'In a republic, who is the country?

Is it the government which is for the moment in the saddle? Why, the government is merely a temporary servant: it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. It's function is to obey orders, not originate them.

Who, then is the country? Is it the newspaper? Is it the pulpit? Why, these are mere parts of the country, not the whole of it, they have not command, they have only their little share in the command.

In a monarchy, the king and his family are the country: In a republic it is the common voice of the people each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak.

It is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians.

Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man.

To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may.

If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have your duty by yourself and by your country. Hold up your head. You have nothing to be ashamed of'."

Cap continues, "Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.

This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences.

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree besides the river of truth, and tell the whole world--

--No you move."

This extract may seem to apply to America in the story, but i feel the concept applies to everyone. So what are you rooted in? Do you dare step up for what is right? Or are you going to just go with flow cause everyone is? Are you going to step up for the truth even when no one else dares to? What will you do?

Man... The new DJ max is just more more darker then the previous one. Its about the same though, hopefully got some new songs inside...

Hmmm... Hopefully will be able to get find some stuff tomorrow when i go out... Planning to do a little shopping for New Year and maybe a late Christmas present... ARGH... Pay have yet to arrive...

I guess that's about all for now... Hopefully my knee feeling weak won't last long and ankle will recover soon... Want to play basketball soon... Guess its a good time to practice playing the guitar anyway...

That's all for now. See yah!

Why does a dream of seeing her with him piss me off that much? And why would i have such a dream anyway?

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